LTC Bert W. Anger was the third commander of the RI SF Company following Major McNally.
He was born on 3 September 1921 in Dusseldorf, Germany. His family immigrated to America in 1936. PVT Anger attended the Mountain Warfare School, Cp Hale, CO Feb-Sep 1943. He became a Naturalized US Citizen in 1943. He attended the Psychological Warfare School, Cp Sharpe, MD Dec 43 to Mar 44. He was assigned as a SSG to the 2nd Mobile Radio Intelligence Broadcasting Company stationed in Brondsbury England. He was assigned, as an SFC, to the 1st Army Psychological Warfare Combat Team.
In 1950, He was commissioned a 2LT in the US Army Reserve and rose to the rank of Major. He transferred from the USAR to the RI Army National Guard in 1966. On 26 Oct 66, at the age of 45 he completed the Basic Airborne Course at Ft Benning, GA. Major Anger assumed command of Company D, 19th SFG on 16 Dec 66.
He was promoted to LTC on 28 July 1967. He relinquished command to Major Kenneth Panciera on 2June 1970. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.
He enjoyed a long career as an executive with the former Nicholson File Co. and Textron, Inc., before retiring in 1985. He died on Jan. 2, 2013